Write the Vision..

Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church of Port Arthur is a congregation that desires to meet the community's needs in times such as these. The vision is to reach the locked out, dropped out, and educated out of our community.

Many feel like their yesterdays, and yes, even their present situation prevents them from being a part of the local church body. However, it is the vision of this church to reach all people. This church is where the disenfranchised, the local teachers, and the businessman can form a partnership for a greater future now and into eternity. The church desires to feed the hungry, visit the elderly, house the homeless, and educate the misinformed.

Mount Calvary desires to create a place where the ideals of the bible can be realized in the life of the community. The church wants the traditions of prayer, bible study, and fellowship to focus on individual growth and not just numerical development, for the church to be a place where people are the priority and not just the public image of the congregation. Calvary desires a place where you can feel welcome, safe, and loved. A place where God is supreme and service to our fellow men is the goal.


We help people move from attending to belonging. Our purpose is to connect people with others, grow relationships in Christ, and serve together.